The Gulf Cooperation Council Approved Medical Centers Association is known as GAMCA. You need undergo a sort of medical fitness test before you may work in any of the six Gulf countries. Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members are Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, and United Arab Emirates. Be at ease. The purpose of the exam is to evaluate whether you are healthy enough to work in Gulf countries. GMA online service is an accredited center for the test of Gamca medical Lucknow. We will help you undergo various test which are required. Surely, on passing the medical tests, you would be allowed to enter the gulf nations.
Medical Examination
There are two different test types. The first step is a lab test. The second step is a physical examination. Urine-sugar, blood tests for blood grouping and haemoglobin, HIV-1 and HIV-2, X-rays, and pregnancy tests for women are among the medical examinations performed.
A physical test, as the name implies, involves looking you over physically. You are measured for height, weight, blood pressure, and pulse. We have noted your surgical and pharmacological allergy histories. Vision in both eyes, a colour blindness test, and symptoms of psychological illnesses are all mentioned.
First of all: Past history of any serious illness:
- Nervous System
The applicant should not have ever had a neurological or nervous system condition, such as epilepsy, melancholia, or any other condition of a same nature. Additionally, he should be devoid of any clinical symptoms or indications of any neurological or nervous system disorders.
B. Allergies
The applicant must not have any allergies of any kind, nor should there be any symptoms or illnesses that would indicate they do.
Additionally: Medical Exam:
- Visual Acquit
In addition to colour discrimination, visual acuity should be appropriate for the job the applicant will hold. Jobs requiring sharp vision, like driving, should not require less than 6/6 or 6/9, with or without eyeglasses, and both eye-vision and visual field should be quite normal, with no obvious squints, in addition to near vision effectiveness.
The applicant should not have any contagious eye conditions, such as granular conjunctivitis, purulent conjunctivitis, or trachoma, as well as any other conditions requiring extensive medical care or surgery, like (cataracts and glaucoma).
2. Listening
The applicant's hearing power should be normal, and no middle ear or inner ear infections should be present.
Your medical results can be obtained in 2 to 3 business days. Depending on the clinic, it could change. Diseases that render you automatically UNFIT - If you suffer from one of the following illnesses, there is no need to have a GAMCA medical examination.
- White Spots or Lung Scars
- Hepatitis B
- Heart Murmur
If they discover scars or a white spot on your lungs during a medical exam, for example, they may instantly designate your visa as unfit.