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A Comprehensive Guide On Kuwait’s Employment Benefits For Expats

Admin 14-07-2023

Kuwait was one of the first nations in the Persian Gulf to create a higher education and research system, as evidenced by its literacy rate (96.46% as of 2020). Kuwait has a favourable business climate. The country has a lot to offer foreign businesses wishing to set up shop in the Middle East. It is still a popular alternative for many migrant workers, as it provides them with useful job experience and decent pay.

Employee benefits are vital in Kuwait for attracting the finest employees, therefore businesses should consider providing workers' compensation, life insurance, medical insurance, as well as group pensions and gratuity.

Industries with the most job possibilities in Kuwait include: 

  • Fabrication of aerospace 
  • Distribution and refining of petroleum
  • Manufacturing of petrochemicals
  • Food processing, manufacturing, and distribution of building materials manufacturing medicines manufacturing
  • Services in information technology
  • Commercial services
  • Manufacture of consumer electronics
  • Oil and gas extraction advertising firms 

The minimum salary in Kuwait is 75 Kuwaiti dinars per month, and it was last adjusted in 2018. Even though the minimum pay is $250 per month, many employees earn between $40,000 and $50,000 per year. Companies in Kuwait are also required by law to provide bonuses but that is not compulsory.

Kuwaiti working hours

In Kuwait, the work week runs from Saturday to Thursday, with Friday off. Friday and Saturday are off days for firms that use a five-day work week. 

In Kuwait, the maximum workweek is 48 hours or six days per week at eight hours each day.  Employees are entitled to a one-hour break after working five consecutive hours, which is not included as part of the workday. Overtime should be limited to no more than two hours per day, three days per week, or 90 days per year. It pays 1.25 times the average wage. Working on a Friday earns you 1.5 times your regular salary plus a compensatory day off.

A Loosened Tax Regime

The vast majority of Kuwait's considerable government spending is funded by oil earnings.  As a result, no personal taxes are levied, even on foreigners working in Kuwait.

Foreign firms operating in Kuwait are the only ones required to pay income tax.  There is also no value-added tax, as individuals working in Kuwait will quickly discover. However, it will be introduced shortly, according to the NEWS.


Expat Social Security

Kuwait has an extensive social security system that covers all Kuwaiti natives who work in the country. Pensions, disability, and illness benefits, as well as free public healthcare, are all covered. The majority of the system's funding comes from the government. Thus, it is quite favourable for expats to relocate. 

Expatriates with in-demand talents in the country's developing economy are welcomed with open arms. However, this only applies to people who will be working in Kuwait for a limited time. Foreigners are often denied citizenship, regardless of how long they have lived in Kuwait, with limits on land or property ownership. But before you enter the country, apply for a visa with the proper medical fit certificate. Get it done from Wafid online medical centres. Registered medical centres are available near your location. Once you are given the medical fit certificate, you can apply for the visa.

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